recomposer diet page introduction

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total daily intake

The main area of the Recomposer diet page shows your total daily food intake. Consider it as your daily shopping list. It shows the total quantity (in the left column) of every food to be consumed each day. If something is not on this list, it is not part of your diet.

note: Food quantities refer to the raw, uncooked food item (after any excess or inedible portion (eg chicken skin) is removed) unless stated otherwise.

recomposer diet


meal plan

Pressing the ‘show meals’ button (top centre/right) displays an example meal plan on the right of the screen (displayed by default on large-screen devices).

recomposer meal plan

The meal plan is only a suggested/possible arrangement of your total daily food intake. Priority should be placed on consuming everything in your diet by the end of each day; ideally, spreading the food as evenly as possible over your day.

diet history

Pressing the ‘diet history’ button (top centre) displays the ‘total daily intake’ of all previous diets on the right of the page, from most recent at the top, to oldest at the bottom. Press the ‘show all’ button to see all past diets.

recomposer diet history

Everytime an adjustment is made to a diet, it is considered an all-new diet. So the diet history will include every diet adjustment made.


As it is only possible to measure the effect of a given diet by consistently eating the same quantities of the same foods everyday, priority should be directed to consuming all listed food by the end of each day. Ideally, the foods should be spread evenly over the course of the day, and in the same order each day. However, if doing consistent division of meals is not possible, at least consuming the same total quantities each day allows objective measurement of the performance of the diet.

Nothing extra should be eaten, and nothing should be omitted, in order to accurately measure the effect of the listed diet on your body composition. However, if your Coach advises otherwise, follow your Coaches recommendation.

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